Why television? Because of all the mediums we consume (radio, television, Internet, etc.) television continues to be the most powerful. The facts support this reality. Television advertising motivates, establishes credibility and adds esteem to your business. Television advertising works.

In the age of so many media options, the reason television advertising works better today than a year ago is research. Thanks to the Internet, we have access to the buying habits, viewing patterns and income ranges for each household. When you overlap this information with television channels and programming, you have a powerful tool to guide your media placement. Television and Internet have instant data as to what you are watching, when you watch, how long you watch and who you are. There is very little guessing in television media placement anymore. The micro targeting allows you to maximize the impact of your media budget. You would be surprised the results you can achieve.

How much is the production going to cost for my television commercials? There is a hidden answer in this question. Most production houses offering low cost – high quality production will create a television commercial using stock video and photographs in conjunction with your photographs or video for under five hundred dollars. Be certain that you are buying the commercial as a “full buyout”. This means there are no additional fees or royalties.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4677527